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Discover how Wendy can transform your workforce.
Get a demo today.

AI talk therapy for your team that

Trusted by

Company health insurance premiums have increased by 22% in the past 5 years

primarily driven by an 83% increase in mental health claims

And traditional EAP solutions often fall short with average utilization at 2-3%


employees don't seek help due to workplace stigma

High stigma, hesitation, and confidentiality worries
Fear of being seen as weak or problematic persists among employees and many worry about it impacting their job security


employee needs unmet

Not designed to even address 80% of cases
Traditional EAPs with just 3 sessions on average per employee are designed to address issues only after they escalate


imposter EAPs at US businesses with <1000 employees 

Proliferation of imposter EAPs due to broker-led sales model
Imposter EAPs are rarely promoted and have lack interaction with the employer - thus leading to low utilization

Meet Wendy AI
24/7 mental health support solution that empowers your workforce to thrive

  • 24/7 Availability: Accessible anytime, anywhere

  • Confidential and judgment-free: Ensures privacy and comfort

  • Personalized: Tailored to each member’s needs

  • Measurable: See clear insights via the employer dashboard

  • Cost-effective and scalable: Built for growing and large teams

Wendy addresses the three core issues that keep utilization of EAPs low and your claims high

Available 24/7 with no scheduling, and an easy to use interface

Confidential, judgment free support that works like phone talk therapy

Track and see real results like you would with your physical workouts

Teams across the globe are seeing real results
Wendy helps eliminate stigma from seeking support leading to >10x utilization rates


utilization rate >10 times the industry average


of employees establish new habits


of employees report increased self-awareness


Employees recommend Wendy to a colleague

Ultimately, it helps you build a more resilient team
with lower healthcare premiums with it's on-call, stigma-free and scalable mental health support


reduction in premium

Prevents up to 60% of mental health issues from escalating, reducing mental health claims and in-turn your health insurance premiums

cost of traditional EAP


Costs less than 10% of traditional EAPs for a mental health support session leading to an unmatched ROI

reduction in turnover


Reduces employee turnover by 15% and makes your benefits more competitive resulting in more applications

Since we started using Wendy AI, the change in our team has been incredible. People are more open and engaged. It's like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
Wendy has become like a trusted friend and advisor to our employees. They feel heard, supported, and empowered to manage their mental well-being.

Frankie B, Croft Accountants

What do team members think about Wendy?

"When I was feeling down and overwhelmed, Wendy was there to help me beat the blues. Her empathetic guidance and evidence-based techniques helped me develop a more positive outlook and build emotional resilience."

Nadia Davis

Software Engineer

"Wendy has been an incredible help in keeping me focused and productive. Her practical advice and personalized strategies have enabled me to stay on track and achieve my goals, even during challenging times."

Robert Martinez

Strategy Consultant

"Wendy has been instrumental in helping me navigate difficult relationships at work. Through role-playing exercises and practical advice, she has taught me effective communication strategies for dealing with challenging personalities."

Jessica Anderson

Marketing Director

  • How does Wendy AI ensure the privacy and confidentiality of employee conversations?
    We employ state-of-the-art encryption, anonymous user accounts, and strict confidentiality protocols to protect employee privacy. All conversations are kept strictly confidential, and no personally identifiable information is shared with employers. User's data can be deleted by them at any point.
  • Can Wendy AI integrate with our existing HR systems and processes?
    Yes, Wendy AI seamlessly integrates with most popular HR systems, allowing for smooth implementation and high adoption rates. Our dedicated support team will work with you to ensure a successful integration.
  • How does Wendy AI measure its impact on employee well-being and productivity?
    Wendy AI provides advanced analytics and reporting features that allow you to track key metrics such as engagement, usage rates, and satisfaction scores on a cohort level. These insights help you measure the impact of Wendy AI on your organization's well-being and productivity.
  • How does Wendy AI handle crisis situations or employees who need immediate help?
    In the event of a crisis or emergency, Wendy AI has built-in escalation protocols to connect emergency services with human specialists who can provide immediate assistance.
  • How does Wendy AI complement our existing EAP or human-based support services?
    Wendy AI is designed to work alongside your existing EAP or human-based support services, providing an additional layer of accessible, 24/7 support. Wendy AI can help triage employee concerns and direct them to the appropriate resources within your organization when needed.
  • Can we customize Wendy AI to fit our organization's specific needs and culture?
    Absolutely. Wendy AI offers customization options to align with your organization's unique culture, values, and well-being initiatives. Our team will work closely with you to tailor the user experience and content style to best serve your employees.

Get answers to commonly asked questions about Wendy

Say goodbye to complex costing of traditional EAPs
Transparent, scalable pricing to fit your team's evolving needs

Traditional Therapy

  • Limited accessibility due to scheduling constraints

  • Sessions costing $150-$200

  • Costs can quickly add up for regular, ongoing therapy

  • Insurance coverage often limited, leading to high out-of-pocket costs

  • High PEPM with unclear ROI & impact

  • Lock-in with long-term contracts

  • Low utilization rates (2-4%) lead to poor ROI

  • Additional costs for administering services internally

Traditional EAPs

  • Affordable and predictable per-employee monthly pricing

  • No hidden fees, long-term contracts

  • Higher utilization rates leads to better ROI for organizations

  • Clear reporting to justify investment and track ROI

Wendy AI

Try a demo and find out by how much Wendy AI can help lower your health insurance premiums

Bypass the limitations of traditional EAPs

Senior Project Manager

San Francisco, CA

Associate Director, Drug Delivery

San Francisco, CA

Data Scientist, IT

San Francisco, CA

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